
  • Built-ingear box
  • Inforced lubricating system
  • Oil coolant optional
  • Green energy
  • Drive shaft is optional on either side


  • Water blasting
  • Concrete demolition
  • Runway cleaning
  • Paint removal
  • Heat exchanger cleaning
  • Tank and vessel cleaning
Conversion kits OH - Pump Conversion Kits 
OH Precision currently offers ultra high pressure water pumps and pump conversion kits for UH-100N pump. The conversion kits can be changed to meet different pressure and flow rate requirements due to the work area and maximize the pump's investment. Please Contact our salespersons and they will be glad to give you more detailed information.


Model Plunger Diameter Maximum Operating Pressure Maximum Flow Rate
UH-100N 12mm 2,800 bar / 40,600 psi 14.5 lpm / 3.8 gpm
14.26mm 2,500 bar / 36,250 psi 20.5 lpm / 5.4gpm
16mm 2,200 bar / 31,900 psi 25.8 lpm / 6.8 gpm


(a) Direct Connection (b) With Gear Box (c) With Flange & Gear Box
 Ultra-High Pressure Pumps UH-100N - Direct Connection  Ultra-High Pressure Pumps UH-100N - With Gear Box  Ultra-High Pressure Pumps UH-100N - With Flange & Gear Box


Ultra-High Pressure Pumps UH-100E Unit  Ultra-High Pressure Pumps UH-100D Unit 
 UH-100E Unit, Electric  UH-100D Unit, Diesel
Stroke 60 mm (2.36")
Weight 275 kg (606 lbs)
Dimension 862 x 748 x 372 mm (33.9" x 28.7" x 14.6")


 Ultra-High Pressure Pumps UH-100N

Gear Ratio 1:2.423 1: 3.04
Power Speed (rpm) 1,500 1,800 1,500 1,800 2,000
Pump Speed (rpm) 619 743 493 592 658


Plunger Diameter
Flow Rate, Q (lpm / gpm)
12.2 / 3.2 14.6 / 3.9 9.7 / 2.6 11.6 / 3.1 12.9 / 3.4
Pressure (bar / psi) Required Power Rating (kw / HP)
2,800* / 40,600* 65 / 86 77 / 103 51 / 69 62 / 82 69 / 91
2,500 / 36250 58 / 77 69 / 92 46 / 61 55 / 73 61 / 82
2,200 / 31,900 51 / 68 61 / 81 40 / 54 49 / 65 54 / 72
1,900 / 27,550 44 / 58 53 / 70 35 / 47 42 / 56 47 / 62
1,600 / 23,200 37 / 49 44 / 59 29 / 39 35 / 47 39 / 52


Plunger Diameter
14.26 mm
Flow Rate, Q (lpm / gpm)
17.2 / 4.5 20.6/ 5.4 13.7 / 3.6 16.5 / 4.3 18.3 / 4.8
Pressure (bar / psi) Required Power Rating (kw / HP)
2,500* / 36,250* 81 / 109   65 / 86 78 / 104 86 / 115
2,200 / 31,900 72 / 95 86 / 115 57 / 76 69 / 91 76 / 101
1,900 / 27,550 62 / 82 74 / 99 49 / 66 59 / 79 66 / 88
1,600 / 23,200 52 / 69 63 / 83 42 / 55 50 / 66 55 / 74
1,300 / 18,850 42 / 56 51 / 68 34 / 45 40 / 54 45 / 60


Plunger Diameter
16 mm
Flow Rate, Q (lpm / gpm)
21.7 / 5.7 26.0 / 6.9 17.3 / 4.6 20.7 / 5.5 23.0 / 6.1
Pressure (bar / psi) Required Power Rating (kw / HP)
2,200* / 31,900* 90 / 120   72 / 96 86 / 115  
1,900 / 27,550 78 / 104   62 / 83 74 / 99 83 / 110
1,600 / 23,200 66 / 87 79 / 105 52 / 70 63 / 84 70 / 93
1,300 / 18,850 53 / 71 64 / 85 42 / 57 51 / 68 57 / 75
1,000 / 14,500 41 / 55 49 / 66 33 / 44 39 / 52 44 / 58

*Maximum permissible operating pressure