
  • Water blasting
  • Concrete demolition
  • Tank and pipe cleaning


  • Wide pressure range
  • Ceramic plungers
  • Built-in gear box
  • Oil coolant system
  • Easy field maintenance
Conversion kits
OH Precision currently offers pump conversion kits for UH-300N pump. The conversion kits can be changed to meet different pressure and flow rate requirements due to the work area and maximize the pump's investment. Please Contact our sales and they will be glad to give you more information. Water Jet Pumps Units - Conversation Kit 


Model Plunger Diameter Maximum Operating Pressure Maximum Flow Rate
UH-300N 18mm 2,800 bar / 40,600 psi 49.3 lpm / 13.0 gpm
20mm 2,500 bar / 36,250 psi 60.9 lpm / 16.1 gpm
22mm 2,200 bar / 31,900 psi 73.7 lpm / 19.5 gpm
24mm 1,900 bar / 27,550 psi 87.7 lpm / 23.2 gpm
26mm 1,300 bar / 18,850 psi 102.9 lpm / 27.2 gpm


Ultra-High Pressure Pump UH-300N Specification

UH-300E Unit, Electric

Stroke 130 mm(5.12")
Weight 610 kg (1345 lbs)
Dimension 1394 x 796 x 524m (54.9" x 31.3" x 20.6")

Ultra-High Pressure Pump UH-300N Specification

Gear Ratio 1:3.5 1:4.619
Power Speed (rpm) 1,500 1,800 1,500 1,800 2,000
Pump Speed (rpm) 429 514 325 390 433


Plunger Diameter
18 mm
Flow Rate, Q (lpm / gpm)
41.1 / 10.9 49.3 / 13.0 31.1 / 8.2 37.4 / 9.9 41.5 / 11.0
Pressure ( bar / psi) Required Power Rating (kw / HP)
2,800* / 40,600* 218 / 290   165 / 220 198 / 264 220 / 293
2,500 / 36,250 195 / 259 233 / 311 147 / 197 177 / 236 197 / 262
2,200 / 31,900 171 / 228 205 / 274 130 / 173 156 / 208 173 / 231
1,900 / 27,550 148 / 197 177 / 237 112 / 149 134 / 179 149 / 199
1,600 / 23,200 124 / 166 149 / 199 94 / 126 113 / 151 126 / 168


Plunger Diameter
20 mm
Flow Rate, Q (lpm / gpm)
50.7 / 13.4 60.9 / 16.1 38.5 / 10.2 46.1 / 12.2 51.3 / 13.5
Pressure ( bar / psi) Required Power Rating (kw / HP)
2,500* / 36,250* 240 / 320   182 / 243 218 / 291 243 / 323
2,200 / 31,900 211 / 282 253 / 338 160 / 213 192 / 256 213 / 285
1,900 / 27,550 183 / 243 219 / 292 138 / 184 166 / 221 184 / 246
1,600 / 23,200 154 / 205 184 / 246 116 / 155 140 / 186 155 / 207
1,300 / 18,850 125 / 166 150 / 200 95 / 126 114 / 151 126 / 168


Plunger Diameter
22 mm
Flow Rate, Q (lpm / gpm)
61.4/16.2 73.7/19.5 46.5/12.3 55.8/14.7 62.0/16.4
Pressure ( bar / psi) Required Power Rating (kw / HP)
2,200 / 31,900     194/258 233/301  
1,900 / 27,550 221/294   167/223 201/268 223/297
1,600 / 23,200 186/248 223/298 141/188 169/225 188/251
1,300 / 18,850 151/201 181/242 114/153 137/183 153/204
1,000 / 14,500 116/155 139/186 88/117 106/141 117/157


Plunger Diameter
24 mm
Flow Rate, Q (lpm / gpm)
73.1/19.3 87.7/23.2 55.4/14.6 66.4/17.5 73.8/19.5
Pressure ( bar / psi) Required Power Rating (kw / HP)
1,900 / 27,550     199/266 239/319  
1,600 / 23,200 221/295   168/224 201/268 224/298
1,300 / 18,850 180/240 216/288 136/182 164/218 182/242
1,000 / 14,500 138/184 166/221 105/140 126/168 140/186


Plunger Diameter
26 mm
Flow Rate, Q (lpm / gpm)
85.8 / 22.6 102.9 / 27.2 38.5 / 10.2 65.0 / 17.2 78.0 / 20.6
Pressure ( bar / psi) Required Power Rating (kw / HP)
1,300 / 18,850 211/281 253/338 160/213 192/256 213/184
1,000 / 14,500 162/216 195/260 123/164 148/197 164/219